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Orange Oil Natural Citrus Solvent

Orange Oil Natural Citrus Solvent

Regular price $41.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $41.99 USD
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The Real Milk Paint Co. Citrus Solvent

A Safer Paint & Oil Thinner Alternative

Orange Oil as a Natural Citrus Solvent is used as a direct replacement for mineral spirits and chlorinated solvents. Citrus Solvent can be used wherever paint thinner or mineral spirits are required as a natural, safer alternative. Citrus Solvent is not the same as any of the other “citrus-branded” cleaning products on the market, including Citrus Solve or Citri-Solve. It is a versatile product that can be an excellent grease trap cleaner, paint thinner alternative, and can be used to replace petroleum chemicals such as mineral spirits.

Orange Oil Citrus Solvent is 98% pure citrus peel oil extracted from the peel of the orange fruit; the other 2% is water. This small amount of water is emulsified in the solvent and will not raise wood grain but is released into the air as the solvent evaporates.

Citrus Solvent Quick Facts:

  • Does not contain any emulsions, surfactants, or any other additives that paint thinner products contain
  • Does not contribute to the depletion of the upper ozone or smog like mineral spirits or paint thinner
  • The material released into the air by our Citrus Solvent is essentially the same material that is continuously being released into the air in every orange grove and is gently returned to the earth with the rain
  • As clear as ordinary water as opposed to the deep orange of lower grades, which means that it will not add more amber color when mixed with our Pure Tung Oil
  • Unlike paint thinner, our Citrus Solvent does not cause damage to the internal organs of the body when breathed in; instead, it passes through without effect. As a matter of fact, when you drink orange juice from the store, you drink small amounts of orange peel oil from the peel from which the juice was squeezed!
  • Can be easily disposed of with no threat to the environment when done properly. We recommend pouring any unwanted Citrus Solvent onto cardboard, cat litter, or another absorbent material. This then allows the solvent to evaporate. Once the material is dry, dispose of according to local guidelines with other waste.
  • Packaged in fully recyclable HDPE bottles that are BPA and Phthalate-free.

Orange Oil Citrus Natural Solvent vs. Mineral Spirits

Citrus Natural Solvent is an excellent Alternative to Odorless Mineral Spirits

Odorless mineral spirits are a sub-category of mineral spirits, a widely used paint thinning substitute for turpentine. First developed for the dry cleaning industry and known as Stoddard solvent, mineral spirits have been around since the 1920s.

Mineral spirits is a mild petroleum distillates with low volatility. It is typically used today for lubrication, cleaning, and degreasing. The variety of mineral spirits most commonly used in painting is type II odorless mineral spirits. With the following of certain precautionary measures, the use of both mineral spirits and odorless mineral spirits is considered safe for cleaning applications. While odorless mineral spirits are treated to remove the aromatic elements, the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) still advises of potential health effects associated with the use of all types of mineral spirits. These effects include eye and skin irritation, as well as dangers from inhalation or ingestion. Prolonged exposure, such as the repeated use of odorless mineral spirits in the workplace, can be harmful to your health.

Real Milk Paint Citrus Natural Solvent is an excellent alternative to odorless mineral spirits. It is safe to use and environmentally friendly, but powerful enough to effectively do the work of odorless mineral spirits. The 98% pure citrus peel oil, 2% water formula is tough enough to remove paint, degrease, clean tar and asphalt, and a host of other challenging jobs, for which odorless mineral spirits are often used.

Citrus Natural Solvent offers the following advantages over odorless mineral spirits:

  • Citrus Natural Solvent has a safe and pleasant aroma
    Odorless Mineral Spirits can be harmful to the respiratory system
  • Citrus Natural Solvent does not contribute to smog or air pollution
    Odorless Mineral Spirits release toxins that contaminate the air
  • Citrus Natural Solvent does not require special regulation in consumer quantizes.
    Odorless Mineral Spirits must be disposed of in accordance with local regulations
  • Citrus Natural Solvent is 100% natural, with no emulsions or surfactants
    Odorless Mineral Spirits contain potentially harmful chemical additives
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